
Look For Truth

In 2 months and 2 days, I’ll be 64 years old.

I’ll also have worked for a conservative talk radio station for 10 years.

And while I lean conservative in my politicals, the political parties known as the Republicans and the Democrats are not the political parties they once were a couple of decades ago.

My reason for thinking about 20 years ago, is that it was 2020 when I met my wife and a year later we were married. April of 2003 is when I returned to the radio business and those items were all significant to me for a few reasons.

My wife is a die-hard Democrat. Has been all her life as were her parents. My parents were mostly Republicans I believe but they may have also voted for Democrats. I was 8 years old when Dick Nixon became President and after his re-election came Watergate and the hearings were broadcast on network TV. Ron Reagan was the first President I voted for and my voting history for POTUS was nearly 100% GOP.

Yet with my background in media and understanding the way media works to target a large audience by offering a niche, I have a deeper understanding than any of my peers as to how the media and politics work.

The Left Leaning Media right now is all about telling their followers how bad the Republicans are and Donald Trump is an easy target, as he should be.

The Right Leaning Media right now is all about telling their followers how bad the Democrats are and Joe Biden is an easy target, as he should be.

Each side calls the other side liars and fake media and a threat to democracy.

The problem is the truth is getting buried by both sides and people like me are tired of all of this posturing.

The Truth is that there is dirty business with the Trumps and dirty business with the Bidens.

But most followers of one side never hear the other side or if they do, they’ve been conditioned to distrust what they hear and… well it creates continuing chaos and division.

There are good ideas out there from both sides and people like me who are interested in answers just wish there was a market for middle of the roaders, also known as Moderates.

But until that happens, I’ll just continue being friendly to all sides and look for politicians who are honest. Those are the ones I will vote for. How about you?

The August 2021 Update

It’s been over two years since I updated this blog and today, I had enough.

It was time to get a few things off my chest.

You can read about Joe Biden. https://scloho.wordpress.com/2021/08/25/is-joe-biden-an-idiot/

You can read about Donald Trump. https://scloho.wordpress.com/2021/08/25/is-trump-still-the-president/

I even shared thoughts on the Coronavirus. https://scloho.wordpress.com/2021/08/25/stop-being-a-baby-about-covid/

Now it’s time to go back to work, like I’ve been doing week after week after week.

Stop being a Baby about Covid

I’m sick and tired of the Coronavirus.

All of us are.

I’m also tired of the debates that are not needed.

As an independent political person who has friends on all sides of the political spectrum, my political positions sometimes contradict themselves, and I’m okay with that.

First let’s talk about the reality of the virus.

Yes, it has been identified and as time goes on the original virus has mutated. The weaker versions die off and the stronger versions become stronger. Stuff I learned in 3rd grade. It’s one of the reasons we don’t have T-Rex’s haning out on this planet anymore.

The conflicting and sometimes contradictory statements from the officials in our government in 2020 and 2021 can mostly be attributed to the fact that we are living in a real life lab experiment right now. The more we study this thing the more we will know and that’s why proven science sometime changes.

For example scientists used to believe the sun rotates around earth, which we now know is the opposite of reality.

Do masks save you from Covid? Not 100% for numerous reasons including the masks themselves but also the way we wear them. Unless you are a health care professional, most people don’t have them sealed properly and that reduces the filtering that masks are supposed to provide when we inhale and exhale.

Does wearing a mask mean you are a sheep? Only if you think wearing a seatbelt makes you a sheep. The politicalization of wearing a mask is stupid.

How about the vaccines? Again I wish this was not politicized, it is not a political statement if you get the jab or don’t get it.

When I became age eligible in March 2021, I got my first shot within hours and a couple weeks later rolled up my sleeve for dose #2.

Why? Because I wanted the protection that was being touted against the effects of Covid. It’s that simple. I had and have no issues that put me in a high risk category.

I also saw plenty of crazy conspiracy theories that were just stupid.

Now as the anti-vax and anti-mask people are pointing to the few people who got the vaccine and later got Covid as proof that the vaccines were bunk, they are simply not paying attention to what was said.

The original vaccines gave us protection from serious illness and death if we were to come in contact with the original Covid virus. But even those numbers were not 100%, never were, look it up.

I’m astonished at the reluctance and resistance for people to get a Covid vaccine. EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE MADE IT A POLITICAL ARGUEMENT DON’T HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON. Donald Trump was booed by MAGA supporters at a rally in Alabama when he urged them to get the shot.

If you want to talk about freedom, I’ll tell you about the freedom I had after getting vaccinated and my wife and I took a vacation with more confidence that we were not going to accidentally die from Covid because we ate dinner in a restaurant.

I have a few friends who got sick with Covid before a vaccine was available and some who got sick after it was available and they weren’t vaxed. None of them want to go through that again. I even have a friend who died this year due to complications that included Covid.

Like you, I’m tired of masks. But I’m even more tired of people who are buckling up their seatbelts today because it’s both the law and it’s to protect their lives.. and these people are fighting against something for their own good and the good of those around them.

Is Joe Biden an Idiot?

No, Joe Biden is not an idiot. However our 46th President is not the sharpest tool in the shed. And having Joe occupy the highest office in the land at this time is proving to be dangerous.

The current withdrawal from our 20 year war in Afghanistan is proof that someone messed up royally and as Joe has publicly stated that is he responsible for making this happen, he has also having memory problems. Or just plain lying.

Maybe both.

Problem is his Veep is not qualified to take over either.

We’ve got Joe who has decades and decades of political experience but due to the combination of his real age and the advanced aging process that happens to everyone that has been POTUS, he is saying things publicly that his staff and team have to “clarify” or outright declare what Joe said was wrong….

And V-P Harris who laughs and smiles at everything as she is being handed nearly everything to take care of but her actions are either inept or inadequate. Honestly though, I have to cut Kamala some slack in that the problems she has been handed are not easily solvable in the time frame she’s had.

Somehow we have Biden and Harris until January 2025 and it’s going to be an interesting ride. Pray for all of us.

Is Trump Still The President?

No, Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States of America. He is and always will be #45 but we now have a #46, Joe Biden.

If you are believing the crowd of people who think that the 2020 election will be overturned and the Trumps will be back, please just stop. You are embarrassing.

As much as I disliked the “mean tweets”, I liked some of the things that happened when Trump was in the White House. But there is no way that an audit in Arizona or any other state is going to turn into a magic time machine and restore Donald Trump to the White House.

Your best hope for the Donald to be the Leader of the Free World is for him to become #47. Grover Cleveland did it nearly 200 years ago as #22 and #24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grover_Cleveland

March Madness in the Political World

Random thoughts that I could have created separate posts about, but instead this is more like a brain dump to kick off the month.

Before I start, a couple of personal items that are a key to me staying balanced in this crazy world…

I happen to work for a very popular talk radio station in the sales and marketing world.  Living in Northeast Indiana, this part of the world is pretty conservative with a majority of the population voting for Republicans.  Except in the more urban centers where Democratic ideas (the party, not the process) is pretty strong.

Last November’s election saw the Republican incumbent winning his re-election in the race against a strong Liberal Democratic challenger for the U.S. House of Representatives seat for our district.  She actually won the vote in our county which shows the support she was able to gather using liberal and Democrat Party talking points.

I have friends of all beliefs.   My radio co-workers are all over the map too.  But here’s the way I keep my life in check.   I keep a hands off approach to public political comments.  Not all the time but I am very selective.   Why?

Because I have other things going on in my life that have little to nothing to do with politics.

I spend 60 hours a week working on media, marketing and advertising projects to help businesses and organizations.   I get my rest, 60 hours a week probably under the covers.  That leaves me with 48 hours week doing what I need to do and want to do including mundane things like taking out the trash.  And other important things such as this month:

Birthday for my wife, Memorial Service for my brother in law, St Paddys Day/Wedding Anniversary.  That’s just one week this month.

If you find yourself obsessed with politics, please add some “real life” into your life too.

Now on to the original intent of this post.

Trump is a Liar and ___________.  Okay, I cannot defend the truthfulness of our president, but I rarely do.  He was not my choice for POTUS.  My favorites didn’t survive the primaries on either side.

The problem is I hear Trump supporters who ignore his lies and Trump haters who ignore anything good that has happened.

Despite all the antics of Washington, Donald J. Trump will remain our 45th President until 12 noon, January 20, 2021.  If he wins a second term, it could extend another 4 years beyond that date.

Impeachment and removal from office of Trump will not happen unless he actually does shoot someone in broad daylight with a dozen witnesses, and even then there is doubt.  So instead of looking at removing him from office, the opposition better get their act together and make sure they have an electable candidate on the ballot November 3, 2020.

Green Deally-O. What a waste of words. Sure, some of the ideas are great.  None of us want to kill the planet, but I’ve been a respecter of our earth since I was a Boy Scout.

The biggest problem with this is money. 2nd biggest issue is manpower. 3rd and underlying issue/problem is the Federal Government Top Down approach.

One at a time: MONEY.  Where is the money to make all this happen in 10 or 20 years?  Sorry but the bucks aren’t there.

MANPOWER.  We don’t have enough people to build and create all the changes stipulated in the Green Deal.  Even if we had the money, we are not capable of getting it done.  The magnitude and the timeline don’t add up.

GOVERNMENT. Passing laws does very little to create change. Use health care as a recent example.  The Affordable Health Care (ObamaCare) was supposed to give us affordable health care that eliminated discrimination of services and reduce the cost of health care for all.  Didn’t happen.

Sure there are some good things, like it prevents some people from being dropped by their insurance if they file too many claims and allows those with pre-existing conditions to still get coverage, but it still sucks.

I’m covered by my company health insurance of which they pay 80% of the real costs and employees pay about 20% of the real dollars each year.  Prescriptions on my health care plan are still outrageous.  So my employer recommends we use a service like Good Rx to find discounts.  I do and it can save me an additional 50 to 80%.

But the premiums for coverage for the plans on the health care exchange have been unaffordable for those that needed the coverage.

Government involvement, in my opinion is half assed.  Obamacare should have been a universal health care plan from the start.  Modeled after our Social Security System as a safety net for everyone.  Social Security is not the only way we can plan for our retirement.  Additional health insurance options, On Top Of the universal health care would have been the better path.

But politics got in the way.  Too many deals to get it passed that weakened it.  And now we have another government program that delivers less than promised and cost more than it should.

One last random thought that was on my mind as I was reading headlines today:

True Democracy versus Electoral College. Those that want to dump the Electoral College for a “true democracy” are ignorant of the founding principles of the United States of America.

They think that if all the votes in a national election are counted equally on a national level, like one big ballot box, then every vote will be heard and every voice will be heard.  In reality the opposite is true.

Our country has been moving away from the original model for quite some time.  We take for granted the idea that we can travel across state lines freely.  As such, we have lost many of the reason we have 50 states at all.

Where I live in Indiana, we recently eliminated the prohibition of Sunday Alcohol Sales.  I know it sounds silly, but that was the law for decades.  Since Fort Wayne is but a 30 minute drive to Ohio, if you didn’t stock up on Saturday on booze for the Sunday games, you would have to hope in the car and drive to our neighboring state to get a case or two.

There are other reasons for state government besides liquor sales. The accountability factor is stronger when the offices are more local.   City and County office holders have to be accountable to their neighbors.  We had a candidate for Mayor knock on our door recently asking for our vote.  He knows that every vote counts.

Same thing with other local offices, the winners are the ones that are doing a good job for the majority of the people they represent.

This is the principle of a representative democracy.  That’s what the United States of America is.  And it is part of the reason we have States.

We are not the United People of America.  200+ years ago, the power was at the state level. New Hampshire and South Carolina where joined together for the common good and protection provided by a limited Federal government against other foreign countries and to provide a cooperative environment for trade and transportation between the original states which has grown to 50 states for the past 60 years.

These days most of the people I talk to have no idea what the difference is between a U.S. Senator and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Even fewer know that the election of Senators by popular vote has only been around for 100 years.  Take a look at the Wikipedia entry on the 17th Amendment for more on this.

States are important. Your vote in the smaller elections are more important mathematically than the large elections.

In the 2016 Presidential election, your vote was worth 1/120,000,000 of the total.

In the 2016 Indiana Governors election, your vote was worth 1/2,600,000 of the total.

In the 2015 Fort Wayne Mayors election your vote was worth 1/42,000 of the total.

In the 2015 Fort Wayne City Council election for my district, one vote was worth 1/9,137 of the total.

In a representative form of government, our vote counts more than it ever could if we were a pure democracy.

Using my local example, we have both Republicans and Democrats on our City Council.  If all the seats were “at large” (no districts) then two of our 6 districts would not have a voice from the Democratic Party like they do now.

The Democratic Party in Allen County (where I live) is not as strong as it needs to be, as some of the City Council seats did not even have a challenger to the Republican incumbent.  However, despite having a majority of seats on our City Council, 4 years ago we re-elected a Democratic Party Mayor to his 3rd term and he’s running for another term this year.

The fallacy of believing that Donald Trump would not be POTUS if we eliminated the Electoral College fails to address the campaign strategies that each team employed in 2016.  Each knew that they needed to win enough Electoral votes by winning the majority in the right combination of states.  That was why Trump went to the smaller states and won enough to overcome the popular vote totals that Clinton received in states like California.

With a majority take all approach that eliminates the Electoral College, the candidates strategy would be profoundly different than what is going on now.  They simply would need to get the biggest number of total votes and the way to do that is to campaign where the biggest concentration of their likely supporters live.  Forget states, we are now looking at metro areas.

If you don’t live in one of these top 50 cities, they won’t care if you vote for them or not.  Fort Wayne is # 75 on this list so we won’t make the cut.


Time to focus on other important items in life

The Blame & Credit Game

Politicians love to shift the blame for the bad stuff and take credit for the good stuff.

This isn’t new.

What seems to be new, compared to when I was a kid is the way the media spins it.

Here’s the latest, for example regarding the news the General Motors is planning on dumping 15,000 workers and it’s all Donald Trumps fault.

Yes, General Motors is going to reduce the previously mentioned thousands of jobs.

Yes, Donald Trump campaigned on saving jobs and bringing back jobs to shuttered factories.

So the President is a failure, right?

In a simpleton world, it is easy to believe that.  Especially when the news media outlets that are focused on being anti-Trump tell us this simpleton theory.

But the reality is a bit more complex.

The reason General Motors is doing this is the same reason a restaurant changes their menu every once in awhile.

Restaurants add and subtract things from their menu on a regular basis, Sometimes the changes are not on the menu, but in the food prep or portion size or hours of operation.

The coffee shop I am sitting in has made numerous changes to their decor, hours, and offerings during the 15 plus years I have been giving them money.  They used to accept personal checks, but not anymore and they lost a couple of customers over that policy.

Here’s the reality of General Motors and the Trump promises.

They really are not connected.

General Motors has gone thru multiple organizational changes in their 100+ year history.  Most noticeably was a decade ago when they downsized and dropped Saturn, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, and hung on to the Buick, Chevy, Cadillac and GMC truck brands.

If you take a closer look at what is really going on, it is an economy and consumer driven move.

  1. Smaller gas powered cars are not in demand compared to a few decades ago.
  2. Hybrid or all electric cars are in demand.
  3. It is less profitable for General Motors to make the smaller vehicles compared to the trucks and SUV’s they will continue to build along with the electric vehicles.
  4. General Motors is a publicly traded company so they have to be profitable on numerous fronts including shareholders/investors.
  5. If they were a private company, they would have done all of this behind the scenes and without the required public disclosures.

So, some of the plants that are facing shut downs are ones that manufacturer parts that are in less demand. Transmissions for example at the plant in Warren, Michigan, a neighbor of Detroit.  My son in law drives an all electric car which does not have the same parts as my gas powered car.

This move has been occurring for a long time.  The alternative energy movement  has been gaining moment since the late 70’s gasoline crisis and then when 9/11 occurred in 2001 again the call for options to fossil fueled cars rang out as prices at the gas pump went sky high.

Even though gas prices have been relatively stable the past several years, consumer demand has continued to shift away from the sedans that General Motors and Ford were making. Ford recently announced they were also dropping most of their passenger car models, but I don’t recall hearing about the impact of employment.

The President and a lot of political people spin the news in the way that suits them best, whether there is any truth in their words requires a step back at the bigger picture.

P.S.  As a side note, small cars will continue to be made by other companies that have a different business model and don’t have the legacy burden of 100 year old manufacturing plants and processes.

P.S.S. General Motors is also hiring.  This is not being mentioned by the news media.  With the new technology advances, General Motors wants to stay ahead of the game and compete, so they need a different kind of employee than the ones being let go.  Engineers, scientists, technology specialists are replacing the laid off assemble line workers.

I did find one article that explains this more than the talking head on TV: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2018/11/27/mary-barra-gm-general-motors/2116833002/

The Abortion Debate

I may be a little slow on the up-take once in awhile but the other day it hit me as to why passions fly when talking about abortion.

It’s all in the wording.

I’m not talking about pro-choice versus anti-abortion.

Those are the two camps that are on opposite sides of the Abortion Debate.

The wording I am referring to has been around forever.

Birth Control.

Yeah, Birth Control!

Those two words used as commonly as any other words for hundreds of years is the reason for the debate.

And yes, it goes back to the decades old argument that the pro-choice versus anti-abortion activists use sometimes too.

What if instead of Birth Control, the words we used all this time was Pregnancy Control?

All of this boils down to what are we attempting to have some control over?

In the brief research I did to see how different contraceptive methods work, I read that some actually function in a way that prevents the woman’s egg from being fertilized by the mans sperm.  Prevent those two necessary parts to meet up and you have pregnancy prevention.

Some methods allow the egg and sperm to meet but prevent the fertilized egg from attaching (hanging on) to the uterus and are flushed out as a homeless egg.  In my viewpoint, this might cross the line from pregnancy control to birth control, but because I am not a scientist, and I don’t want to dig too far deep into that debate, I will leave it to the “experts”.

The problem with “experts” is they argue about when life begins inside the whom and try and set up a standard that moves the standard definition around to suit their viewpoint.

I prefer to use the Biblical viewpoint that simply says: For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:13-16).

Even before science and technology created the ability to see inside a woman’s body and witness conception, mankind was told through the Bible that God created us and knew us before we were born.

This actually could lead us into another discussion about our bodies versus our spirits but I’ll pass and stick with the Abortion Debate right now.

Abortion was never the favorite form of birth control for humans in our modern era. But it is the ultimate final “last chance” method to prevent a birth.

What do you think would happen if we changed the whole language from Birth Control to Pregnancy Control?

The respect for life of the born and yet to be born…

The joining of forces of those who grieve for loss of life due to homicide, suicide, preventable accidents, miscarriages, and all forms of abortion (surgical and medically induced) would create a huge groundswell of people wanting to make a difference.

Those who simply want to plan when they become pregnant would not be looked at with any disdain, but seen as responsible.

A supportive community and joining of two groups that are currently not very well connected:

  • Those that want to adopt
  • Those with an unwanted pregnancy

I know there are small groups who attempt to join those two, but imagine if they were as widely accepted as the organization Planned Pregnancy?

Again, I ask:

What do you think would happen if we changed the whole language from Birth Control to Pregnancy Control?



Christians and Politicians

On the eve of the 2018 November Mid-Term Elections, a flurry of activity was going on including President Trump visiting my city, Fort Wayne, Indiana for a campaign stop.

I didn’t go.  I voted early.  I could hear the coverage on the radio or watch on TV from the comfort of my home.

What really inspired me to write this piece however is something else that made news headlines, and that was a tweet, well let me pull from the various online stories:

Former NCIS star Pauley Perrette invoked the name of Jesus on Monday in an effort to declare President Donald Trump a “mean, mean man” before Election Day.

“Where is Jesus when voting for someone who does the opposite of Jesus?” Perrette asks, continuing:

I’m serious. I’m a faith driven person. Jesus didn’t make fun of people, say horribly mean things, spread hate about race, women, handicapped and pretty much any target that makes the hateful cheer. I’m happy with my vote, as a Christian, to listen to love and Jesus and vote against trump [sic] and his pals in any way. He is a mean, mean man. He’s fooling you. Stop laughing with him. It’s cruelty and it’s wrong.

This is not a new challenge or question.  I’ve been hearing it louder and louder by friends who have open minds but lean left.

Usually it is countered with other challenges such as “How can you vote for anyone that supports abortion? That’s not Christian!”

I am not a theologian, nor a political scientist, but I do own a Bible and both of these arguments from the left and right bother me.

People who make either argument for the left or right on any number of topics that involve government seem to want the government to “be their Savior”.

Yeah, I said it.  People of all faiths or no faith have made their government their idol.

Got a problem? Make a law, create an ordinance, tax something or someone, and it will solve it.

Get Real.

The Laws of the Old Testament were not just rules for living, but also a road sign that pointed out our sins and that the only true Savior was Jesus.

When Jesus was confronted with the subject of paying taxes, he showed the people the difference between paying taxes to the Roman government and giving to the church.

We are all flawed humans, no matter our wealth, position or lack of either in worldly terms.

Christians shouldn’t worship Donald Trump or Barack Obama, or any human.  To place higher importance on a government leader is going to lead to disappointment, because of their humanness.

Jesus did command us to give to others and he also said we will always have the poor among us.

The past several decades the amount of giving to churches and other charitable organizations has been declining as the dependence on government programs has increased.

Some of the government programs that we have are now too big to fail, to borrow a term from the last decade.  Generations are now planning on using Social Security and Medicare to provide an income and pay for health care because they have been paying into it for all their working lives.

So it’s not easy to say that we are going to eliminate a particular established government program that would create undo hardships.  This is not just an American issue, imagine what would happen in Canada or the U.K. if they eliminated their versions of government paid for health care and just told their citizens, you are on your own!

I don’t know the big answer to that one.

But I do know that we need to stop looking at our leaders to have the perfect qualities that people like Pauley Perrette and thousands of others have been looking for.

Has the American political system sunk to a new low with the way Donald Trump has been behaving since he descended from Trump Tower and announced he was really running to become POTUS?

Probably, but the country had already become an environment where he flourished and won the election two years ago.

When I voted this time, 2 years later, my enthusiasm for the candidates on my ballot, just wasn’t there.

But I voted anyway, just like I did two years ago.

Voting in this country, a representative democracy, is not just a right but also a responsibility.

Being a person of faith, a Christian, I also had to do my research and vote not for the person who I liked the most, but for what I believed would allow me to continue to live my life as a Christian and allow me to be a witness in word and deed to others.  That’s what it boiled down to for me.

How about you?

Back In The Saddle

For about a month, I decided to make this site private.  Today, Election Day 2018, it’s public again.

I don’t share things here that I would not discuss in person, but with the heat of the political climate this fall, I simply needed a break.

If you read through the posts on this website, you’ll find some that I now feel differently about than when I first wrote them.

Facts don’t change, but perspectives do and sometimes more facts come to light.

Speaking of light, two things:

It’s hard to have an accurate view of things when you have a light blinding you in the face.  That’s a metaphor for living in current events, versus a historical perspective that we will have down the road.

And my other point about light is the subject of my next posting which I’ll do later.  It has to do with Christianity and Politics.  As a Christian, I have a few thoughts on the critical comments I hear about supporting various people and parties. But that’s for another day.

Vote if you haven’t today, and I’ll be back again soon.