Month: August 2021

The August 2021 Update

It’s been over two years since I updated this blog and today, I had enough.

It was time to get a few things off my chest.

You can read about Joe Biden.

You can read about Donald Trump.

I even shared thoughts on the Coronavirus.

Now it’s time to go back to work, like I’ve been doing week after week after week.

Stop being a Baby about Covid

I’m sick and tired of the Coronavirus.

All of us are.

I’m also tired of the debates that are not needed.

As an independent political person who has friends on all sides of the political spectrum, my political positions sometimes contradict themselves, and I’m okay with that.

First let’s talk about the reality of the virus.

Yes, it has been identified and as time goes on the original virus has mutated. The weaker versions die off and the stronger versions become stronger. Stuff I learned in 3rd grade. It’s one of the reasons we don’t have T-Rex’s haning out on this planet anymore.

The conflicting and sometimes contradictory statements from the officials in our government in 2020 and 2021 can mostly be attributed to the fact that we are living in a real life lab experiment right now. The more we study this thing the more we will know and that’s why proven science sometime changes.

For example scientists used to believe the sun rotates around earth, which we now know is the opposite of reality.

Do masks save you from Covid? Not 100% for numerous reasons including the masks themselves but also the way we wear them. Unless you are a health care professional, most people don’t have them sealed properly and that reduces the filtering that masks are supposed to provide when we inhale and exhale.

Does wearing a mask mean you are a sheep? Only if you think wearing a seatbelt makes you a sheep. The politicalization of wearing a mask is stupid.

How about the vaccines? Again I wish this was not politicized, it is not a political statement if you get the jab or don’t get it.

When I became age eligible in March 2021, I got my first shot within hours and a couple weeks later rolled up my sleeve for dose #2.

Why? Because I wanted the protection that was being touted against the effects of Covid. It’s that simple. I had and have no issues that put me in a high risk category.

I also saw plenty of crazy conspiracy theories that were just stupid.

Now as the anti-vax and anti-mask people are pointing to the few people who got the vaccine and later got Covid as proof that the vaccines were bunk, they are simply not paying attention to what was said.

The original vaccines gave us protection from serious illness and death if we were to come in contact with the original Covid virus. But even those numbers were not 100%, never were, look it up.

I’m astonished at the reluctance and resistance for people to get a Covid vaccine. EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE MADE IT A POLITICAL ARGUEMENT DON’T HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON. Donald Trump was booed by MAGA supporters at a rally in Alabama when he urged them to get the shot.

If you want to talk about freedom, I’ll tell you about the freedom I had after getting vaccinated and my wife and I took a vacation with more confidence that we were not going to accidentally die from Covid because we ate dinner in a restaurant.

I have a few friends who got sick with Covid before a vaccine was available and some who got sick after it was available and they weren’t vaxed. None of them want to go through that again. I even have a friend who died this year due to complications that included Covid.

Like you, I’m tired of masks. But I’m even more tired of people who are buckling up their seatbelts today because it’s both the law and it’s to protect their lives.. and these people are fighting against something for their own good and the good of those around them.

Is Joe Biden an Idiot?

No, Joe Biden is not an idiot. However our 46th President is not the sharpest tool in the shed. And having Joe occupy the highest office in the land at this time is proving to be dangerous.

The current withdrawal from our 20 year war in Afghanistan is proof that someone messed up royally and as Joe has publicly stated that is he responsible for making this happen, he has also having memory problems. Or just plain lying.

Maybe both.

Problem is his Veep is not qualified to take over either.

We’ve got Joe who has decades and decades of political experience but due to the combination of his real age and the advanced aging process that happens to everyone that has been POTUS, he is saying things publicly that his staff and team have to “clarify” or outright declare what Joe said was wrong….

And V-P Harris who laughs and smiles at everything as she is being handed nearly everything to take care of but her actions are either inept or inadequate. Honestly though, I have to cut Kamala some slack in that the problems she has been handed are not easily solvable in the time frame she’s had.

Somehow we have Biden and Harris until January 2025 and it’s going to be an interesting ride. Pray for all of us.

Is Trump Still The President?

No, Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States of America. He is and always will be #45 but we now have a #46, Joe Biden.

If you are believing the crowd of people who think that the 2020 election will be overturned and the Trumps will be back, please just stop. You are embarrassing.

As much as I disliked the “mean tweets”, I liked some of the things that happened when Trump was in the White House. But there is no way that an audit in Arizona or any other state is going to turn into a magic time machine and restore Donald Trump to the White House.

Your best hope for the Donald to be the Leader of the Free World is for him to become #47. Grover Cleveland did it nearly 200 years ago as #22 and #24.